Environmental protection
"Nature always creates the best of what is possible." (Aristotle)
Everyone can contribute to keeping the environment intact.
For this reason, protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources have been an integral part of the Braun company philosophy for many years.
All processes within the company have been monitored for environmental compatibility, with special attention paid to the saving of energy, the avoidance and eco-friendly disposal of waste and the responsible handling of our resources.
Examples for Braun's commitment include:
- Braun prefers to work with suppliers whose company policy also includes environmental protection.
- Braun makes sure that the use of materials is reduced to a minimum.
- Braun uses only recycled waste paper as filling materials.
- The company cooperates closely with the "Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW" (State Office for Forest and Wood of North Rhine Westphalia) to ensure the phytosanitary treatment of imported pallets which have been treated against pest infestation.